Konnect Girls Ministry is specifically for girls age 4 years thru 6th grade. The girls engage is weekly lessons, crafts and special outings.
This group meets every Wednesday at 6:30pm.

Royal Rangers Boys Ministry is an activity-based group designed for boys age 4 years thru 12th grade. It provides Christian character formation and servant leadership development in a highly relational and fun environment.
This group meets every Wednesday at 6:30PM

Arise Ladies Ministry is for women – no matter their age, background or life stage. We meet ladies right where they are and come alongside them to encourage, support, pray for and equip them in their journey with the Lord.
This group meets once a month.
See the event calendar for more details.

Are you in your Thirties and Forties?
This group is specifically created for people like you. The Gathering meets monthly where we participate in various activities, lots of food, and a time of gathering together so we can form a relationship in a more intimate way.
This group meets once a month.
See the event calendar for more details.

The Men of Harvest gather to build camaraderie, supporting and strengthening one another in faith. Regardless of age, you’re welcome to join us for breakfast or to attend a sporting event.
This group meets once a month on the 2nd Saturday at Uncle Linny’s at 8:30AM.
See the event calendar for more details.

Our Prayer Group meets every Sunday at 9AM. We are encouraged to pray for topics and people specifically on our hearts. These nights last about an hour and includes a time for personal ministry at the end, where a member of our prayer team will be available to pray for any personal matter for which you are seeking an answer or resolution.